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FMI & Full Stack Modeller In Conversation

Jan 28, 2022 5:45:00 PM


I caught up with Ian Schnoor, founder of the Financial Modelling Institute, to learn more about the FMI's history and plans for the future.

The Financial Modelling Institute's three stage certification programme for financial modellers is something we fully support at Full Stack.  As part of our own training programme, we strongly advise our members to go for the FMI certifications alongside their efforts to pass our accreditation steps.

It's just a brilliant, and thorough test of the fundamental skills a financial modeller must possess today.

In this interview, Ian talks about the three levels of certification with the FMI, shares some exclusive detail about the final level - MFM, and he talks a bit about ultra running and digital nomad working for good measure too!

We're also pretty sure he committed to a 5km run with Giles...

You can learn more about FMI from their website here


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